organizer of czech puppies

Why do I like organizing events? Actually, for the same reason why I am a handler or write short stories. I like to create and prepare things that then amuse, please, and simply make others happy. Even though it is sometimes tiring and once in a while I look forward to "organizational retirement", usually it doesn't last long and I look for something else to do.


I used to be a board member of a leather club, where I was an advisory voice, graphic designer, international ambassador and translator. We organized many interesting events for the leathermen, including themed meetings every month, meetings in other cities of the Czech republic and two elections of Mr. Leather Czech Republic. We met leathermen from all over Europe and brought our Czech association to the European community of leathermen - ECMC. In time, however, we handed over the association into younger hands, in which the association soon ended completely.


All the time of leathermen, I devoted myself to another community as well. Already in 2010, I created the Jsem‑ website, which brought together interesting articles, short stories and links on the topic of dogplay. However, the dogs attracted by the site called for more opportunities to get to know each other and to be able to communicate. Therefore, the site soon expanded to a complete dating site with private messages, galleries, adverts, discussions and many other features.

After several years, I started also organize annual birthday perty for the meeting site. After relocating to Prague club Heaven, it got renames to Meet The Pups.

Mr. Puppy / Czech Puppy

Thanks to the leathermen I got to Antwerp for the Darklands event in the year 2014, that I really liked and have been going back ever since, also because the next year the Mr. Puppy Europe contest started. For several years I was handler and trainer of the czech competitors at the puppy contest and thanks to my acquaintance with the event organisers I was also in charge of the puppy Camp K-9 corner in 2017.

In the year 2017, I was persuaded to organize the first Mr. Puppy CZ that are organized every year since that. I organized and hosted the contests at first, but as the a organizing team of skilled dogs and friends grew, I moved to the role of head organizer. The event also grew to the festival of several events throught the whole weekend and got renamed to Czech Puppy.

Other events

The leather club brought us many contacts and friends in the BDSM community. Thanks to that, I attended and later lectured a number of bondage master classes or general lectures for newbies. The closest to my heart, however, were the master classes on animal play, of which I later took over the organisation. We renamed it to under the name Critters Ltd. and enriched them with discussions and competitions for the participants. Critters Ltd. later grew to become Prague Animal Weekend in cooperation with other czech organizers, but I gladly left the coordination of them to someone else.

In addition, I've done interviews for some magazines, collaborated on a video show about pupplay for the most read Czech daily newspaper and lectured at the most famous Czech fetish event Hell Party in 2021.

In recent time, I also focus on regular meetings. I cooperate with Heaven Club on their fetish event Decadent and I organize puppy event Unleashed.